Originally Posted by
Also, Don't aim your headlights too high. Put them in there and screw them down where they sit. I pushed mine up a tad to get a bit more light, and I've been blinding everyone at night and I really need to fix it.
LOL Phrost....funny you should say that, I have a similar story...
On my old car ('94 Maxima), I bought new head light bulbs off E-bay, which the seller said were compatible with my car..........let's just say they weren't correct, because within a few months the wire harnesses had melted and decayed from the incompatible bulbs.
Being the DIY'er I was back w/ this car, instead of going to Nissan and getting new wire harnesses, I bought an aftermarket set of HID bulbs/ballasts off a friend of mine and installed them myself. I ended up using ONLY silicone compound to secure the bulbs inside the existing holes int he headlight housings; aka, GHETTO.
The bulbs were pointed so far up that on-coming traffic would pretty much CONSTANTLY flash their lights at me as if I left my brights on....I drove for years in fear a cop was gonna pull me over for drunk driving or somethin, lol.