If your pump turns on that usually is a sign that there is freon in the system. If the system is too low of freon the pump wont kick in.
Does your car blow any cooler air at all? or does it not cool at all to maybe even hot air coming out? If there is enough freon in there and the pump kicks in, then I would think it should blow a little cold. If not you might have bigger issues like a bad pump. When my pump went bad on my other aud, the pump made loud ticking noise. So if your sounds normal just little cold I bet it just needs some freon charge.
Now the next question is, did it work fine last year? usually if your freon is low that means you have a leak so you have to fix the leak otherwise it will just leak out again. Other times it may be such a small leak you can charge it and it will be fine for the summer. Also you can look at your hoses and if they are oily that is a good start to see where it might be leaking.
Lastly most states you can go to your local walmart or parts store and pick up some R134a freon to charge your system yourself with low side pressure fitting.
Which is what i wanted to do, but since I moved to the lovely state of Wisconsin they dont sell freon to consumers, you have to have a licensed freon guy do it, so that will cost you more. (we did our mini van for 80 bucks so that wasnt bad)
When I went to pick it up here at the parts store, the guy told me that it was Wisconsin and California who didnt sell the freon over the counter to consumers but he wasnt certain about California, so you can go find out, or if you are close to the border of a different state, jump boarders and pick it up there and do it. If it just needs a charge its real easy to do.
Here;s a nice writeup I had found: