I searched the b6 forums and found that the crush ring on the oil drain plug should be replaced with a new one every oil change. Is this crush ring something I could pick up at Home Depot or Lowe's or do I need to go to the dealership? The first time I changed my own oil I went to the dealership for the filter and they charged me like an extra buck for it, so I used it. I had a hell of a time getting it off of the drain plug though.
Yesterday I went to Advanced Auto to buy a breaker bar as the tire iron I have at home will not fit into my USP wheels and the one that is supposed to be in my trunk isn't there. On my stroll around the store, I noticed they were running a Mobil 1 deal that included 5 quarts of oil and an oil filter for $27. I jumped on it and decided to change my oil as it needed to be in the near future regardless. I asked about the crush ring at the counter, but of course nobody had any idea. Anyway, I went home and changed my oil, reusing the old crush ring that's been on for about 8,000 miles. I had to take my skid plate off today for something else and found a small amount of oil on the top side of it. I took notice to this and walked back outside a few minutes ago to see if more had leaked, and sure enough, there's a small amount of oil on my driveway.
I know that I am going to have to put a new crush ring on in the coming days; hopefully tomorrow actually. The nearest dealership is about a 45 minute drive, and school is 45 minutes in the opposite direction. I really don't want to have to make that trip with the way gas prices are. Can I just go to Home Depot and find something similar? I know I can't take the crush ring that is on the car off and walk into the store with it, so does anyone know what I'm looking for and whether or not it would be available in a hardware store?
My next concern is reusing the oil that I just put into my car yesterday. Taking the drain plug out is obviously going to allow all of my oil to run out. Can I use a super clean pan and simply reuse it? Or do you think I could have a buddy stick his finger over the drain hole to plug it while I put the new crush ring on the plug? I figure only a quart or two would come out during the swap and I'd only be out another $15. My concern is over burning $20 worth of oil that is nearly brand new and another $30 to drive to the dealership and back.
P.S.: When I took the oil filter I purchased at the dealership for my first oil change (I've only had the car for 12,000 miles) off of the car yesterday, I noticed that it said something about being used on applications for model years 1982 and previous. Is this right or did they give me the wrong filter? It seems to have worked okay, just wondering.
If I have to go to the dealership to get it, I suppose I have to do what I have to do. No Bitchassness.