Originally Posted by
Who told we don't support the original K04 any longer? We definitely don't sell it any longer, but who told you we don't support it? You put that in quotes like someone from APR said it and I know it wasn't me. We are not going to develop any more products around the original K04 turbo but that doesn't mean if you have an issue we won't help you through it.
Either way, we have the right to change our product line up at any time we choose like any other business. The K04 turbos we were purchasing for use on the B7 are simply not available any more so we had to go back, re-group, and come up with something else for the B7 customers that we can actually supply. It's not like we woke up one morning and said "How do we screw that guy AAAA on Audizine?" The turbos simply aren't available anymore so we had to come up with something else. It had nothing to with the money being made on the kit.
Furthermore, most people in the world are in business to make money. Since we have to spend money to develop a kit, that typically requires that we actually sell some to at least break even. So for a hypothetical example, if a product came out and sold two per year and had no way of even breaking even and it were your business, would you keep buying parts to support it and making new software, etc.? This has nothing to do with what happened to the K04 kit for the B7 but you act like we don't have to run a business here so I am just stating the obvious.
i've had issues with my k04 since i got it. Tom and Keith know all about it. But the last time around a couple months ago when I tried to get Keith's help, when they figured they couldn't help me (and you all knew you hadn't taken care of me) and couldn't figure out a solution, Keith simply goes straight to "well we no longer sell the k04 kit, and so we actually don't support it any longer."
The funny thing is, Mike, that my issues with your software were that it wasn't running right, and that you never made a 93 file for my engine code. I've been running on 91oct since I got the kit and was promised that it would be made. This is when Keith decided to tell me you no longer support it and are not going to write one after all b/c I'm not on the "important list."
I thought I even had the 91 fuel pump "performance file," but it turns out when Tom researched it, I only had the fuel pump file for "around the parameters." This enraged me more. But back to the funny thing. I go back to NGP to get the 91 "performance file" and what do they pull up in their computer? a 93 oct perf file for the k04 for my engine code, the file Keith and Tom both said did not exist and would never exist b/c you no longer support the turbo. So when I quote something in a thread, rest assured I'm not making anything up. It's the pure, sad, pathetic truth. This is why I asked the questions I did. I'm willing to bet you have a k04 for the b7 laying around the shop somewhere, or even in one of your cars. So I'm sure if you had the time and it was worth the time to satisfy at least 1 customer, probably more, you would have written the file (when your people thought it didn't exist)