Ive been having some issues with my car recently.
Ive been getting CEL's, and when i check the codes it tells me that my car is running too lean and that my idle RPM is too high.
I was told by a friend that works at the stealership that theres a vacuum leak somewhere in the engine... He told me to try to pull off the oil cap while the engine running and it was next to impossible to pull it off due to the suction.
Also, when the car warms up after about 20 minutes, a loud squealing sound comes from the rear of the engine (guessing its an air leak from all the suction?)
My friend tells me that theres some valves that need to replaced along with hoses due to engine sludge plugging them
To make things worse, Ive got to make a 600km trip tomorrow and really don't want to take my car but its pretty much the only option... Will my car be okay?