This is the correct answer after suffering these symptoms every summer for the 4 years I've owned my car.
When it is hot and humid and you run your A/C, it will INSTANTLY create condensation the moment you turn your A/C off. This condensation forms a smelly mold and this results in the smell. If you turned your A/C on in the middle of the winter, it would not smell, nor the first few times when it gets hot.
For Example,
It started getting hot a few weeks ago so I've been using my A/C daily for a few weeks. The other day, it started smelling and then I remember that I'm not properly venting the moisture out of the ventilation system as I taught myself to do a few years back.
In order to prevent this, you need to turn the compressor off before you finish driving and vent the system out with neutral air. This dries any condensation in the system and prevents mold from forming. The key is preventing that moisture.
If your system is smelly now, start doing this and it'll dry up in a few days. Put it on econ @ 70 degrees for 10 minutes or something with the windows open on a nice day and that should dry the system up.
Changing the filters won't solve this problem as the smell is produced post-filter. The only exception is that if you're experiencing this problem during cold weather as well and not only in hot A/C situations. In that case, your filter is probably dirty.