Im going to be spraying all of the small pieces for the forum members this weekend or the next..
but I was thinking for myself.. just for the summer to do a camo paint and something along the lines of supporting our troops in small cursive pinstripping up the side of the hood.
My idea was to also do it like a bomber.. Put small kills on the door with my name right under the driver side window.
It would be very unique and show my support and gratitude to those who put their life on the line in very crazy condition's. The folks that have families back at home who worry for them every day, for those who miss the birth of their children, etc. It takes alot more then alot of people like to consider, and I respect that to the fullest. Ive put alot of time, money, and hard work into getting this car back together so it would mean a great deal for me as well to do this.
Im going to def. do something very off the wall.
The body is completely shaved. (doorblades, trunk lines, blinker on the fender, eyelids, rs4 mod, diffrent side skirts, etc.) Ill be more then likely going with LM's and would do that face of the wheel something creative as well. Ill also make a custom roof rack with a slim, low profile thule case on top of it.. its gonna be tighhhhhhhhhhht. lol.
Im going to do some pretty serious research on the history before doing anything.