Driving down the road at 70 when I hear a pop and all of a sudden I see a white looking color billowing out the back of the car like crazy and all of a sudden my car shuts down. My thoughts were, great I blew my engine again at 1500 miles. Stop the car and look around and see a greyish fluid caked in metal all over the drivers side engine compartment. Since I could not see the green color from the freon I thought I had blown a rod through the block or something. Get towed home and started working on the problem. The serpentine belt wheel on the compressor seized frozen so the serpentine belt would not spin which is why my engine shut down. There was zero pressure in my ac system so that crap got everywhere when it popped. Of course my warranty ended 3 months ago so I get to pay for another compressor. Could not find one anywhere for under $595 new (discountacparts.com). Audi wanted $790. Anyone had a compressor go on them before? Compressor only had 52K on it. Would buy a used one but didn't feel like finding one at a salvage yard. Engine is still okay from what I can see. Timing spot on, intake valves and piston tops look fine, etc. Started up the car without the serpentine belt on it it sounded fine. I tell ya, it never ends with this car... damn money pit is what it is
Clint, the B5 compressors are different than 03+ B6 compressors... thanks for the heads up though, much appreciated.