Hey guys, been real busy lately but I needed to get this off to get it repaired and resprayed tomorrow. There are no DIY's anywhere for this, so here you go.
The good news is you don't have to remove the rear wheels at all to get the bumper off! Here is what you'll need:
T30 torx driver
T25 torx driver
10mm socket with ratchet
1. Fold down both rear seats. There is a bracket between both of them that you're going to have to take off. The plastic cover comes right off, so just pull. There is a metal piece beneath it that is held in with a T30 torx screw.
After you remove that bracket: take either seat, lift up on the side where that bracket was holding it down, then slide it toward the opposite side of the car. The whole back of the seat should come loose, and will be held on by one wire if your seats are heated so be careful with that. Remove both seat backs
2. There are 4 metal tie-down hooks on the floor. Snap all of them upright, and remove 2 T25 torx screws from each of the four hooks.
3. Now look at the plastic trim against the rear bumper, where the trunk latches onto. There are two gold 10mm nuts holding this on. Remove the two nuts, then force the rough plastic piece straight up. It is held down with clips so you'll have to tug.
4. Now we're going to remove both carpeted sides of the trunk. There are two black plastic push pins on the top you'll have to pry out. Then start behind the rear seats, and pull the carpet toward the center like so
Stand by the trunk and work the carpet out. It's easy, but there is a metal clip toward the top center (you can see) so make sure you look at how you have to slide the bottom out first to not rip the carpet.
Also, there are two bare metal clips on each side. You don't pull these out, you slide them to either side (up/down). Metal clips are shown here
5. The carpet on both side are the same, so take your time with those. However, there is the big cubby hole on the driver side that will need to come out.
It is held in with 4 10mm screws, one by each corner. If you have satellite radio or not it doesn't matter, the wires are long enough for you to remove this cubby hole thing and place it aside.
6. Now it's time to take out the nuts holding the bumper in. There are a total of 5 10mm nuts on each side. Take all 10 out and put them somewhere safe
7. Move down by the fender liners, and remove the bottom 3 T25 torx screws holding the liner in. If you only have a long torx driver you'll have to go in at an angle, and if that doesn't work you may have to remove the rear wheels. I had a T25 torx bit I attached to a socket that worked nicely
Remove the bottom 3 torx screws from each side, peel the fender liner back, and remove a total of 8 more (4 on each side) T25 torx screws holding the bumper on.
Once all of these screws are out, tug on the end of the bumper away from the car. There are 5 snaps on each side you're going to have to pull out.
8. Look under the rear bumper, where the valence attaches. There are 2 T25 torx screws that will come right out. You can see them if you just bend down and look up, they're right by the edge.
Once all the snaps are out and all screws/nuts holding it on, the whole bumper will pull off the car with no wires or anything attached to it. That's it!
Great success