Recently purchased both a standard blank and remote on eBay with great success.
Dealer in NorCal was useless, downright rude and wanted a small fortune for the duo, cutting, programming, etc...would have cost more than $250. Also refused to "cut" eBay keys...citing that they were too hard. Come to find out, they don't even cut the keys themselves, it is handled by a local locksmith (same one I actually had do the work).
Once the keys arrived (both had new immobilizer chips and were uncut, cost around $75 for the pair) took them to a local locksmith. For $50 he cut the keys, and within minutes both were able to start the car. Wahoo.
The programming of the remote fob just takes a few minutes and can be done by yourself at home...another dealer rip-off. Just need the original key, and the newly cut key. A couple of turns of the key in the ignition, pressing of the buttons of the remote in the door, and voila. Search the A4 B5 DIY forum for remote programming, as it worked flawlessly for me.
The only item I needed my VAG-COM for was with removing the old/missing remote from the cars' that the "missing" remote could not open the door (but can still work the key and ignition FYI, no way to get rid of that).
Cheers, and good luck.