I live in cedar rapids Iowa if any of you have seen the national news the past few days. We have over 600 residential blocks under water and whole towns here destroyed. The water is as far as 3 miles from its banks here in town on a 10 mile stretch of the of the river.
I have been helping all week sandbag here and in other towns, have rescued pets left in evacuated homes and brought water to various places. I have been from here to 150 miles away helping people, while doing so I drove my 99.5 a4 through some water it was never meant to go and now my A.C. compressor has been damaged, does anyone have a cheap compressor or know where online to find the cheapest compressor?
I don't have much time so I will try to check in periodically to see any replies here but I have more volunteering to go do now so I will be back.