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The deer in my area (Colorado) are all over and i'm sure that they are tall enough that if you hit it you sweep their legs out and they come across the hood. The reason why I have been driving audi's is due to rolling my wrx from dodging one dear only to hit another. I still got a ticket (I had bambi's fur on my window and in the back seat), had to go to court and fight the ticket since the little ****** got up and ran. I don't know if the deer up north are smaller but the ones down here are big enough to kill you.
I would rather pay a few paychecks than not walk away
Fair enough.
I'm sure they're the same size... ish. The Rockies are the Rockies. I saw deer in the north-western US while clocking serious miles last summer and they're tomato-tomatoe.
Not so sure how you get a ticket for hitting a deer on the highway though... that's still a bit off to me.
I guess my personal policy has always been to avoid but try to brake in a straight enough line to hit on a 45-degree angle so it bounces away or over the A-pillar. Not like you can always plan that, but still. Try.
I remember my mom coming home on her 38th birthday after hitting a pair of deer, one over, one under. $5,000+ damage to her 190E Mercedes, and she was only shaken up. No airbags... just a nice repair job comped by insurance (minus deductible). So for a car our (A4) size I suppose I feel relatively safe. Like I said... moose/elk are another kettle of fish altogether.
You roll the dice crossing the street so why worry about randoms? I mean, we pay insurance every month and get nada back... so if it happens, amen.