I've been getting this code "16712 P0328 Knock Sensor (KS) 1 -G61: High Input (sporadic)" randomly. Got it 2 weeks ago, cleared it and it came back yesterday. I feel like the car holds back when I down shift even tho its boosting like normal @16 psi (APR software on K03s).
KS 1, G61 is the Knock Sensor w/ green wire detecting knock on cyl 3 and 4. Does this code signify knocking or is the sensor malfunctioning?
I got 2 logs of WOT 2nd to 5th gear of block 3 and 20. CF looks to be in speck, but is normally higher when just cruising or taking off from a dead stop which I find weird.
Block 3 and 20 Log
Any tips are appreciated.