Ok, so me and my friend installed 034 street motor mounts and 034 (apikol, i thought 034 makes their own ones) snub mount + spark plugs.
To put new spark plugs took us about 10 minutes, most of what we were gapping them to 0.28...
Engine Mounts: Man, took us about 3 hours... We were following Yoogene83's DIY (thank you) and DirtyBrd/Rxrep help. Basically wasnt that hard. Just something new and we went the hardest way (Eugene)first :))) and then witched to the easiest one (DirtyBrd). Anyways, i thought you have to install both mounts and then start the engine and let it idle for 30-40 seconds. We did that twice after each side was done. BTW we started from the drviers side.
Snub Mount: Pretty easy, but the snub mount with the bracket didnt fit, so i had to use the old bracket.
Anyways, after the first testdrive, i felt more smootherness, i guess from the spark plugs and a little bit less og engine moving.
All my stock mounts fine.
Overall, i'm happy... thanks evreyone for the help.