Here are my notes of my Software/Hardware Modification List (in the event of a dealer hard reset). This includes the setting up of a Rear View Camera, Ipod/TV interface & VIM of the RNSE as well as other software codes (not chipped yet).
If everything gets wiped out, I will have a good list of what & how.
Setup + FM = radio reset.
Vag Codes:
1. Changed Vagcom - Seatbelt code - "Select" "17" Change to: 0023208
2. Changed Vagcom - REMOTE WINDOWS + 1 CLICK LOCKs - "Select" "46" Change to: 11896
3. Look at 09 - headlight (no ambers & brights + fog) - "Select" "9" change to (check first) - "01023" (original) to "01021"
RNS-E Modifications for Rear View Camera
1. Added rear view camera (make sure that under #37, adaption code channel 4 is coded to 1)
2. Rear view camera continued - must be in Lambo mode - change code from 0301637 to 0101637 (not change of first 3 to 1).
3. Also make sure that IMA + is on the TV mode, then hold setup for 4 seconds, on DIS you should see IMA+ menu, press setup until you reach RVC, turn dial
to get to 01 (camera on). RV01
4. IMA+ has 300mAH fuse & is connected to the Sunroof Fuse (#30)
The RVC should be working
RNS-E Modifications for TV/IPOD/ViIM (You will lose all settings & saved data, addresses, etc)
1. Start by getting codes - vag, applications, Controller channels map, controller address 37
2. CSV file will be in C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS-Beta\Logs (or comperable) - SAVE THIS IN ANOTHER LOCATION
3. Now we have all the working codes for Nav (only item effected by this mod)
4. Start by downgrading thes software -Select #37, adaption code channel 97 is coded to 1 (forced downgrade)
5. Insert VIM Euro 0080 (source & dest US)
6. Once upgrade is done (enter PIN if needed), check #37, channel 5, make sure it reads 250 then remove radio fuse for 2 hours.
7. Plug in fuse, power up RNSE (everything should be in german),
8. Insert US0200 disc & let it upgrade
9. Insert "fake" US0270 disc (a 200 disc with the version saying 0270)
10. Insert real US0260 disc (0260 disables the TV option).
11. Ensuring the old channel map is copied elsewhere & renamed, Goto vag, applications, Controller channels map, controller address 37.
12. Compare original channel map with new channel map, make sure that coding matches original map.
Kufatec.de IMA+ TV control / IPOD
1. IMA+ is located on left of RNS, wires going over steering wheel & 5amp fuse is sitting on Garage fuse (need to change this). Fuse 16
2. Also make sure that IMA + is on the TV mode, then hold setup for 4 seconds, on DIS you should see IMA+ menu, press setup until you reach 2C, turn dial to
get to 18 (DLO Homedock). - 2C18.
Thats it for now. More to come!
When bringing to a dealer for service:
1. Change out of Lambo mode - #37 change code from 0101637 to 0301637 - this will disable Lambo mode & RVC
2. Possibly put OEM Ipod shell back in.
My Software/Hardware Modification List (in the event of a dealer hard reset)
Vag Codes:
1. Changed Vagcom - Seatbelt code - "Select" "17" Change to: 0023208
2. Changed Vagcom - REMOTE WINDOWS + 1 CLICK LOCKs - "Select" "46" Change to: 11896
3. Look at 09 - headlight (no ambers & brights + fog) - "Select" "9" change to (check first) - "01023" (original) to "01021"
RNS-E Modifications for Rear View Camera
1. Added rear view camera (make sure that under #37, adaption code channel 4 is coded to 1)
2. Rear view camera continued - must be in Lambo mode - change code from 0301637 to 0101637 (not change of first 3 to 1).
3. Also make sure that IMA + is on the TV mode, then hold setup for 4 seconds, on DIS you should see IMA+ menu, press setup until you reach RVC, turn dial
to get to 01 (camera on). RV01
4. IMA+ has 300mAH fuse & is connected to the Sunroof Fuse (#30)
The RVC should be working
RNS-E Modifications for TV/IPOD/ViIM (You will lose all settings & saved data, addresses, etc)
1. Start by getting codes - vag, applications, Controller channels map, controller address 37
2. CSV file will be in C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS-Beta\Logs (or comperable) - SAVE THIS IN ANOTHER LOCATION
3. Now we have all the working codes for Nav (only item effected by this mod)
4. Start by downgrading thes software -Select #37, adaption code channel 97 is coded to 1 (forced downgrade)
5. Insert VIM Euro 0080 (source & dest US)
6. Once upgrade is done (enter PIN if needed), check #37, channel 5, make sure it reads 250 then remove radio fuse for 2 hours.
7. Plug in fuse, power up RNSE (everything should be in german),
8. Insert US0200 disc & let it upgrade
9. Insert "fake" US0270 disc (a 200 disc with the version saying 0270)
10. Insert real US0260 disc (0260 disables the TV option).
11. Ensuring the old channel map is copied elsewhere & renamed, Goto vag, applications, Controller channels map, controller address 37.
12. Compare original channel map with new channel map, make sure that coding matches original map.
Kufatec.de IMA+ TV control / IPOD
1. IMA+ is located on left of RNS, wires going over steering wheel & 5amp fuse is sitting on Garage fuse (need to change this). Fuse 16
2. Also make sure that IMA + is on the TV mode, then hold setup for 4 seconds, on DIS you should see IMA+ menu, press setup until you reach 2C, turn dial to
get to 18 (DLO Homedock). - 2C18.
Thats it for now. More to come!
When bringing to a dealer for service:
1. Change out of Lambo mode - #37 change code from 0101637 to 0301637 - this will disable Lambo mode & RVC
2. Possibly put OEM Ipod shell back in.