Any way as I walk up to it to meet the guy I see that the guy is having problems moving the car. He keeps stalling it. He slides his window down and it is a valet driver. I immediately see the emergency brake is on so I told him and he thanked me. I told him I had a car exactly like it. I started to walk away and he goes to take off and is still jerking the car (cant seam to drive a manual) He drives a circle around me and almost drives into a big dumpster. He then kills the car and motions for me to come back. He asked me how to keep the car from rolling. I showed him how to put it into gear after it is off and to use emergency brake. He then starts it up again and almost rams into the dumpster again because he gives it too much gas and lets the clutch out too fast but manages to stop before hitting it. He shuts it off and in gear so it doesnt roll backwards. Then he asks how to get it into reverse so I show him. I ask him why he was parking it in the dock area by the dumpster he said it was overflow from the front parking lot. So now people can get their trash thrown on it. Wow
Long story short - Dont ever Valet your car!
