Ive been using the DEFI D series boost gauge for a few years and love how it matches the interior and lights up nice and bright. The only problems I had with the gauge is it lights up amber and reads about 3 psi too high. (sits at 3 when car is off) I am now determined to fix both these problems. If all goes well I will have a gauge that reads properly and matches the interior red lighting.
Here it is stock.
They don't make this gauge anymore so im attempting this with no space gauge or parts.
Here it is all taken apart.
Rather then using a red LED like other boost gauges I've seen this one uses 3 bright white leds soldered onto the board and transparent amber backing on the face plate. It lights up very bright and even. Im planning on sanding off the amber section and either spraying it with a red tint or using red acetate gels cut to size. I work in a photo studio so there are plenty of different red gels lying around. I think I may go this route or at least try it first. It would allow me to change the red density by adding or removing gels.
The faceplate is very thin so I must be careful when sanding it down. Once this is done im going to paint the outer ring black with dupicolor and dremel my vent to fit it. I'll then have a steering wheel pod for sale if anyone wants it!
wish me luck![O_O]