the inspiration came from seeing the RS4 valve covers and how the popped off in the engine bay of an RS4 and screamed performance. i tried really hard to make these look stock. in other words if a non-audi person saw it they wouldnt know it wasnt stock. the painting was pretty easy, the only prep was some "greased lighting" degreaser, and then used Krylon "Fusion" PLASTIC PAINT (COLOR: RED PEPPER) from auto parts store. i was very patient too. i "carefully drilled out the rings mounts from underneath the pried it off and stored it. i then painted thin coats every 10 minutes till the can was empty. i let it dry for 2 days (just incase) before i painted the "1.8 turbo" emblem. i used Tamiya "brilliant silver" from the local hobby shop, and a very fine brush. that took 2 days to paint right and make sure i didnt over do it. then i took the rings and used 3M emblem adhesive to attatch the rings from the bottom using the existing mounting posts (i was careful not to drill too far as to leave enough to glue back in). hope you like, i know it isnt everyones cup o' tea but i like it. when i get my car back from the shop (getting turbo upgrade) i will shot some engine bay pics...