My previous rides were all full-size pickups with 4.7L+ V8s. Engine braking actually did something. There's this hill near me (Appleton Ave just north of Pilgrim/Main in Meno. Falls for the locals) that you start at the top around 35 and the Tip picks 5th at that speed. Slide over to manual shifting just as you get on the downslope, then drop to 4th. Feels almost exactly the same, just with higher rpm. Drop to 3rd, engine rpm jumps to ~3100, and same-same for about 6 seconds and 200 more rpm, then you start to feel the deceleration of the engine. I've checked this on different hills, different gears, and different rpm ranges. Same effect - there's almost nothing for 4-8 seconds, then the effect hits. The initially weak braking is simply because it's a small engine - I get that - but is the delay caused by the turbo, and is it normal for all turbo'ed engines?
