I've had one since I was 16. I wouldn't drive w/o one. I feel naked w/o one too.
I've only run escorts. I can't get over how the V1 looks. The escort has always done well for me. Between my dad, mom, brother and I, we've had the OG escort, passport, solo, 7500, 8500, another 8500, and another 8500. My next one will be a 9500. They havn't gone bad, its just that we have that many cars, and we like upgrading.
Laser is more prevalent, but I have gotten the alert from the CHP using it on cars ahead of me, so it does help. As for the radar part, I have seen "chp's" over a mile away when on I5. I only pay attention to Ka and laser.
The only detectors that I would ever buy/recommend would be the escort or the v1.