My car feels like I have a light weight flywheel or something. It "chatters" when I push on the gas from a dead stop until I get up to around 1500rpms. It is really bad in the morning when the car is cold, when I push on the gas the rpms will drop to around 400-500 rpms almost killing my car then shoot up to 1000 and smooth out. Also another symptom is when I'm cruising in first or second in traffic, if I try letting off the gas, then get back on it as slowly and smoothly as possible it jerks forward. Lastly, not sure if this is related but I would think so since it feels like this has to do with my acceleration from a dead stop but when I try to blip the throttle, it almost seems like my engine is being flooded with gas or something and has terrible throttle response. I was trying to get used to all this but I'm just really tired of not being able to drive smoothly in traffic conditions.
-I thought at first it was a leak of some type, pressure checked - no leaks
-Thought it was my throttle body - removed and cleaned it, realigned it - not better.
-Just for good measure I also replaced all four coilpacks
My cars obviously GTRS powered like my sig says but I'm running Delphi 440's and thought maybe those are my problem but I dont know... I'm too the point now where I'm about to drop my tranny again and just rip the flywheel out and buy a new one (stock one was resurfaced when I got the OFE SS).
So thats basically the run down, any and all suggestions would be great!!! Please someone make my life better, THANK YOU!
