So a few weeks ago my TB went bending 3 exhaust valves, got the valves replaced and all that a long with TB, WP, Thermostat, and the rear coolant flange. All new gaskets etc.
Ever since then when I first start the car I get white smoke out of the exhaust briefly and the car is LOUD there is even a little ticking sound coming from the engine a long with a loud hissing sound. As soon as the car warms up and the RPM's drop the hissing goes away but the ticking continues. Last night on the way home I got my Temperature light so I pop the hood and I was extremely low on coolant, so this morning I filled it back up with just distilled water, I haven't noticed a leak anywhere but I really don't want to drive the car 150 miles today to and from work and have it die on me like it did a few weeks ago.