So, last Thursday, I put a can of seafoam in my gas tank before a fill-up. Then, 30 miles into the tank my car is "putting," wont go over 5 mph, and my MIL is flashing. After speaking to Seafoam tech support, I changed out my fuel filter (it had been at least 40k miles... I know, bad A4 owner). The fuel that came out of the filter was BLACK. I got everything put back together with the new filter and fired her up. It seemed to be doing okay at idle, but when I got to driving it I couldn't give it more than 1/4 throttle w/o that same "putting"...
So this morning, I pulled the new fuel filter and checked it for clogging. The fuel came out normal looking (with the exception of a clear oily residue, I assume thats the seafoam) and when I blew through it, it was only slightly more resistant than before I installed it.
I'm about to pull my injectors to see whats going on in there... other than that all I can think is that I fouled up my fuel pump.
Does anyone have experience with this or have any ideas???
btw... I have a '03 A4tQM