Has anyone had any problems turning their ignition key? This morning when I went to start my car, I was only able to turn the key forward a little then it stopped, with no dash lights coming on at all (Except the time which I think is on anyway). For a second I though I had a very dead battery until I realized that the key seemed to not turn all the way to start. I tried moving the steering wheel to see if it was locked and my wheels where perfectly straight. I tried a few more times then gave up, went and got coffee, and when I returned a 15 min later it started ok. Now that I think of it the same thing happed on the test drive, I thought the batt was dead, so I asked a sales person to try it 10 min later and it started right up. He said I must not have had the clutch down all the way (which I found hard to believe since I've been driving manual for 15 years). Oh it's an 08 6sp with 600 miles on it.
Am I missing something?
Sorry for the long and boring post