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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Two Rings smitty0583's Avatar
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    Angry I hate my A4...Any and All help GREATLY appreciated

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    So 1 week ago i changed my front O2 sensor... simple take out the old one put the new one in... then i saw one of the vacuum lines snapped...ok no prob... take the old one off put the new one in... I don't during the week and i turn my car on yesterday and today (Sat/Sun) and the car is running "funny" a little rough, and there are some wirring noises coming from near the windshield wiper fluid addition after turning the car on no more than 2 min later it starts smoking near the turbo housing (which is really hot now!!) LAst week i thought the steam was just the WD40 burning off which after 15 min it did stop... also now the ESP light is on, but i cant get any codes with my generic code reader...

    What in the world is going on? Is it safe to drive? Im in the process of trading this car in but I'm scared to drive it to the dealer in case something really bad goes wrong!

    I greatly appreciate any input on my situation...thanks in advance
    -- Brad

  2. #2
    Active Member Two Rings
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    Re: I hate my A4...Any and All help GREATLY appreciated

    my advice is take it to the dealer for a trade anyway..
    if they dont notice the problem then you should be fine!
    if they do then just walk away from the deal...

    the "whirring" noises may be from when you replaced the vacuum hose. maybe its not secured or maybe another hose like the PCV is shredded.
    I had that problem when I had a mustang. replaced the hose and then reset the computer and i was good.

    the smoking on the turbo housing might be a seperate issue...

    did you inspect your engine bay for dead animals?

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Two Rings smitty0583's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my A4...Any and All help GREATLY appreciated

    Thanks for the Reply!

    yea no animals that i can see...

    im only worried that if i drive it ill create some major damage...

  4. #4
    Established Member Two Rings setay's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my A4...Any and All help GREATLY appreciated

    not too sure about the "whirring", but for the smoking, i would check the oil feed to the turbo, and the oil itself. if the oil feed is clogged, it could be causing your problem.

    by ESP do you mean the check engine light (CEL)? if it is the ESP i do remember when i disconnected my battery, the ESP light stayed on a while, bout 10 mins, even after pressing the button. just a thought...
    Cal State University Dominguez Hills

  5. #5
    Registered Member Three Rings SlappyB6's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my A4...Any and All help GREATLY appreciated

    If you had your battery unhooked for any reason, your ESP light will stay on until you move your car forward a few feet. Mine did this to me just yesterday.
    02 A4 - 5spd - Sport - VM DP
    Capt. Obvious - "Not me. I fart rainbows, shit rose pedals and piss excellence."


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