Speedos, especially analog ones, have tolerances that vary the measurement from one car to another. Things like tire pressure or specific brand of tire can also introduce small errors in the speed measurement. This is one of the reasons that the manufacturer sets the speedo to show a bit higher, so they don't get sued if you get a ticket for doing 71 when the speedo shows 70.
The different speed on the indicator/pointer doesn't necessarily correspond to a matching difference in odometer reading. If they don't match, you can sometimes tap the pointer a bit to let it "slip" on the shaft to adjust the pointer. If not, perhaps you can pull off the pointer and re-position it. But all disclaimers apply here, so don't blame me if you don't do this correctly.
If your pointer and odometer are off by a similar amount, you'll need to look to tire sizes, tire pressure, or some type of speedo re-calibration device. For a few mph off I wouldn't worry, but to each their own.