After finding a suitable boost guage, 60mm Swoosh backlit red, may not get these in the states though, on good old ebay, I set about finding somewhere to mount it. A lot of people chop em into the vents, but don't always like to follow the masses, plus a 60mm was a tight squeeze anyway, I decided to see if I could knock summit up for the A-pillar, and I reckon it turned out pretty bob on!
Thought I'd post up a few pics to give people an idea of what I did, pretty simple really in the end. If you can't find what you want.......make it yourself!
Bought this with the guage.
Chopped it up to fit like this.
Then stretched some old t-shirt cloth over it to form nice natural curves.
Then coat with fibre glass resin, once dry and hard trimmed it up.
Then a quick wipe over with some filler to smooth out any imperfections
Blasted a bit of spare primer over it to tidy it up, waiting for some black headlining to arrive to recover the whole pillar for a nice OEM look, but wanted it in and fitted to see the result.
Looks pretty good at night too, a good match.
There we go, done! Hope you all like, I'll put the covered pic up when it's done.