I just got these in yesterday and personally I love them. They took probably an hour and half to 2 hours once I finally got all the parts I needed (The screw tap was not provided so I had to track one down). A lot of people have really complained about this install, but I honestly didn't think it was that bad.
A couple of tips:
1)Go ahead and remove all the studs and put a dab of superglue around the inner ring to ensure that the nubs don't fall out over time. I've heard from several members that it's pretty common for this to happen, it takes ten min max and it will prob save ya a lot of time later on down the road.
2)Remove the Knee Bolster from under the dash, this is really easy, its 2 screws underneath and where the fuses are under the side panel.
3)I taped each pedal on first to play with positioning and then checked that they were square with each other. Try to make a small mark for each hole once you get them where you want them.
Then instead of drilling all 3 holes at once, I completely finished the bottom hole started first (pilot hole very small, bigger drill bit, then hand tapped the screw hole then screwed in the pedal to verify) b/c the bottom hole is the easiest one. With this done I simply left the pedal in place and got my pilot hole started for the other two holes so that I knew everything would line up once finished.
With this process I made sure not to have one screw hole not match up and you also see a little more immediate progress this way.
Then simply use this same method for the other two pedals and continue to follow the directions provided. And don't forget to make sure that they do not get caught on the carpet even when fully depressed, I can see where this could easily happen with the gas pedal if you didn't check this.
4) Make sure you depress the pedal to ensure you're not too cramped and that you get a consistent angle on your screw holes.
5) Finally, just make sure to take your time b/c you only get once shot. I've screwed mine down but am going to wait a day before I put a thread lock on the screws and I also bought some nuts to put on the back just for extra security and strength. And a last word, I'm fairly OCD, but don't kill yourself when trying to get it absolutely perfect, after all they are pedals that are underneath your feet most of the time. But I simply marked the distance between the top of two pedals, and ensured it was the same distance from top to bottom.
The Finished Product:
So far, I'd say that heel-toe is a lot easier, but still not absolutely perfect. Also, just a personal opinion, it seems that I have more feel from the pedals, especially the clutch and some from the brake. I'm thinking that this may be due to the fact that there is a lot less rubber and cushion between me and the actual pedal. But I like them a lot, maybe it is just b/c it's a new toy and we all love our toys and think that ours are the best; but that's just my $0.02
And some of the pics look like one or two may be slightly off, but honestly in person it does not look that way from almost any angle, I think it's partly due to the odd angles of the arms that hold the pedals b/c they do not go straight back.