Ever since I had my car broken into, I've coincidentally have had SO many little cosmetic/electrical problems and is getting very annoying!

After my window was broken... I had that replaced and was Audiless for about a week as I request OEM glass since it was so cheap. Then a month later my passenger side midrange speaker blew. I took it in... had a loaner for the weekend which I don't mind too much (although it would be nice to get something other than an A4 loaner once in a while...)...

Since then I'm sure the dealer mechanic shorted some wrong wires together because my passenger side window switch stopped functioning. I didn't notice this until a friend told me a few days later. At the same time my auto up switch on the drivers side for the passenger window stopped working too! (It was the mechanism of the switch because you didn't hear the 2 clicks when you pulled it up). Then I swear to you... as soon as I was leaving the lot, I pulled the center armrest up to get some gum and that little lever lock broke in my hand!! I was so pissed off I just drove off... probably will call my guy at my dealership and let him know that I need something else fixed... sigh

sorry just wanted to vent a little...