Ill try to keep this short and simple. Ive had my b6 S4 for 2 months now it runs great. The only problem is I cant get it through inspection. It continues to fail for emissions however ive got no check engine light or driveability issues what so ever. They say the cars computer may have died and i did leave a dome light on overnight once but the battery did not die. Well after failing twice i took it to the dealer they said they reset the code but today it failed again. Im scared i might lose my car b/c of this and although im not liable it will be a huge inconvenience so id like to resolve this w/o having to take legal action or something. Im only 21 this is way over my head, i think i need some advice from you older guys who are much firmer then i am capable of being.
BTW the dealer called me while i was writing this, mind you i bought from a used car lot not Audi. I have to drop the car off again. They are going to drive it 40 miles to the Audi they use, not the closest Audi. He complained that last time i brought it i intentionally left it with a quarter tank. They also gave it back to me with a quarter tank of 87 in it . They will not accomodate me for those 2 days transportation wise and for all of my troubles i get a free detail . PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!