Within a week I estimate there was a couple thousand dollars damage put on the car, none of it my fault (for once).
Was driving home after quitting my job, and just heading up to an exit ramp behind a tractor-trailer rig and debris just starts jettisoning itself out the back. I dodged one bit and then backed off from three to about six car-lengths. Then a piece bounces out and looks like it'll deflect right after impact, but no! It went right at me. I swerved left, but not enough and it clipped my front bumper right under the headlight, and crumpled the front passenger fender. After I inspected the damage, I chased the truck down for his insurance info.
Then, I get myself all excited about camping on the long weekend, and go to pack the car in the morning... KEYED. All down the passenger side, front + rear doors and rear fender. And all across the front of the hood. Not sure how deep it is, as in if it can be buffed out, but that's not the point. What I'd've given to just caught that chicken shit fucking with this man's automobile. Point blank, I'd be content sitting in a holding cell waiting for bail.
Anyhow, I'll post pics and you guys can tell me what you think. Does the front bumper necessitate replacement? I mean, it's cracked and it is a safety system after all. If so, I'll be going with a USP front.
Debris damage:
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