If you guys knew how much insurance companies had to pay out to people who lose a loved one, or can't work anymore (have to have nurses come to their homes, can't even take care of their own children) you then might get why rates are so high. No, I don;t work for one, YES! I get super pissed when I get my insurance bill! My fiance started working for TD a year ago, she is a licensed insurance professional - the stories I hear from her! She sees it all, hears it all and sees how much money has to be paid to people. Most think that the value of the car is what the companies are worried about, beleive me, they could care less about a 50 grand car when a 17 year old took out a husband and wife at 80 km/h and neither can work, neither can care for their 2 year old and their 4 year old - she figures over a period of the next 10 years this couple will get about 150k/year for not being able to work, they will get more money for care, they will get money to pay for care for their children, they will get money to revamp their house and car as the husabnd is now in a wheelchair.. were talking millions, now that 4-5 grand that kid was paying in premiums... how much do you think that covers towards how much this couple will get (and I am not saying they don;t deserve it) God, being in a wheel chair.. not enough money in the world to have to be stuck with that! I am not bitching about just younger people (iam not old myself) LOL.. but I used to think the same things, until I heard story after story of people being so messed up that they can't walk, cant take care of their kids, cant cook for themelves, hell some can't even go to the washroom on their own- how much is that worth? Not even close to what you pay in premiums. I know the companies make a profit.. well don';t all companies? You may be thinking, well these stories are far and few between, nope, everyday she gets calls where 10's of thousands, 100 of thousands, and yes, even millions are/have or will be paid out to the client, clients family etc... again, I get just a pissed when i get my bill, especially if I got a ticket or two that year, but now I kind of have a better understanding of where a good chunk of that money goes.