I really wanted to stay out of this thread because when forums based on performance/appearance mods get involved in car audio it always ends in some sort of shit show of people who offer advice that they heard someone say when really they have no clue what they're talking about.
If you want some really serious advice and knowledge in car audio go to
www.diymobileaudio.com/forum The people there really know their stuff and as far as I'm concerned it is the best source for car audio.

Originally Posted by
I'm going with a pre-made hatchback style... if it's not custom, it doesn't really matter what "brand" the pre-made boxes are, correct?
No, I upgraded from Symphony II+ to RNS-e navigation headunit and the RNS-e was a big improvement in sound quality. I'm happy with the mids and highs from the RNS-e... just want to add some bass
Is there a specific reason you are going with pre-made wedge style of box? In one of your earlier posts you said that you liked the way the box looked...keep in mind that you're not going to looking at your sub/box when driving. You're going to be listening to it. Function > Form
Pre-made boxes sound like a good idea but you need to careful when purchasing one.
1. Make sure that there is some quality construction behind it. At least 1/2in MDF or other wood. That is 100% sealed or that the port length/volume is correct.
2. The volume of the enclosure is correct for the subwoofer going into it.
Also, when it comes to wiring don't buy Monster. You are throwing your money in the shitter. I'm not saying they don't make a quality product, but it is beyond over priced. Check out Street Wires, Knu Koncepts, Rockford Fosgate. What really matters when it comes to your wiring is:
1.The guage of the wiring actually is what it says it is. Meaning that the metal itself is the correct thickness not just the plastic sorround.
2. Make sure that your RCAs are shielded!
Chances are you will end up going through a couple set ups before you're truly satisfied. Please do check out diymobileaudio.com, just make a post stating what you're looking for out of the sub, what your budget is and that you have little to no experience in car audio...you will receive plenty of help. More so than here.
p.s. I'm in no way affiliated with DIYMA, I receive nothing for you going there.
If you're willing to have a box custom made for you then I would recommend the Dayton HO 10in sub. You can find it on
Link for Dayton 10in.