I just want to let you all know about my little adventure with those cheats.
I ordered a "hot" Audi S5 Tip 6 months ago and my mistake - didn't sign a contract.
But got a confirmation e-mail with a price - MSRP - as you can't get any discount
on this brand new model at the moment. Commission number with my name etc.
The car showed up and it looks stunning. They noticed they can get somebody
to pay over sticker. So at the very last moment, without ever any trace of doubt
about the price before - they asked me to pay 10 grand over.
They acted like the worst scum-bags trying to pull a little quick profit -
who cares about a loyal Audi customer.
The guy's name is Abtin Navab - an internet salesman at Santa Monica Audi.
His boss - the general manager there - is even worse - a typical mafioso...
I discovered since they did it many times before, even my neighbor got screwed
by the very same guy!
I obviously walked away. Contacted Audi of America and have a case already.
Will keep you posted.
I posted the story on audiworld and there are guys who were
offered my car already!