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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings setay's Avatar
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    Cool Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

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    Hey whats going on, dont post much on here but thought i'd share about my experiences with a clutch install for those thinking about it.

    Also, theres cliffnotes at the bottom for those of you with A.D.D.

    Anyways, it took a lot longer than i expected, and i've dropped plenty of trannys to know whats going on. Main thing is, it's so cramped under there, working with the car on jack stands is next to impossible. Don't even think about doing this unless you have a lift, or a ridiculous amount of patience. besides that the SS FE went in without much trouble, i did happen to break 2 of those damn 12 pt. bits tho, both happened on the flywheel, so becareful with that.

    But it wasn't too much, took about 6-7 hours for me and my dad to finish. and the first 300 hundred miles you're thinking what the hell did i do to my poor audi. this clutch grabs immediately while its breaking in, you will jerk at almost every stop light. after that you can get it to slip much easier, or maybe it just takes getting used to.. besides that to SB, i wouldn't change my choice even if i could. also while i was down there, took care of that snub mount, put in a APR, did anyone notice a droning at idle? its sounds like the sunroof when its open. anyway, just wondering if it was just me or what?

    CLIFFNOTES: Clutch install, really annoying with jackstands, buy a lift. and APR snub drones very bad, what the hell?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    I had no change at all in vibration or noise after I installed the APR snub mount. I have heard that if it's installed just slightly off it will be very annoying. Maybe pull it, double check everything, and shove it back in there. You never know.
    Upgraded the motor a little, brakes a little more, and suspension a lot.

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings setay's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    i've read old guys post on how to put it in the "right" way. in that post he says to have the snub centered in the cup. mine is off to the left (looking at the snub), and is even touching the cup. did all the idle for 2 mins thing, still didn't center. i tried forcing it over, and it wouldn't move. maybe my motor mounts are blown, making the engine sit funny?

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings Papachristou's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    i also did my clutch install on jackstands... my abs and neck were soooo sore by the time i finished! i didnt have any trouble with the 12 point sockets though...

    congrats on the DIY! you have joined the clutch club elite!
    2018 Audi S6 Prestige Sport Sepang Blue/Lunar Silver
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  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings manhertm's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    You guys are making this sound easy. It can't be that easy. Being military, I have access to a lift with about all the tools one could find in a garage, somebody give me a comparison of this install with another B6 DIY. I just got quoted $650 for a clutch install minus the clutch today, is that good?

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings Papachristou's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    yeah thats a good price actually... i would pay someone to do it for that kind of money

    but its not a crazy hard job, if you are military, i know u can go use their lifts, tranny jacks and tools for like $5 a day... you can DIY and save a lot of money and know its done right!

    lol at OP, i too looked like a Dbag in my slammed, blacked out audi trying to start from stoplights and signs jerking around... i know people were thinking what a rich loser! luckily i never stalled it but i sure jerked the heck out of it... it gets a lot better as it breaks in!
    2018 Audi S6 Prestige Sport Sepang Blue/Lunar Silver
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  7. #7
    Established Member Two Rings setay's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    manhertm, i would say the clutch install is probably the worst of all DIY, this is just personal opinion, but anytime i have to lay on concrete in a cramped space for hours isn't fun. i would definately rather pull out an engine than do this again. but, saved about $800 to go towards my ER Comp FMIC. sweet....

  8. #8
    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiA4_20T's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    Guys seriously, its not so bad on jackstands
    - Clint

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  9. #9
    Veteran Member Four Rings Papachristou's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    Quote Originally Posted by AudiA4_20T View Post
    Guys seriously, its not so bad on jackstands
    im with you

    i removed it in six hours with a buddy and we killed a lot of beers, same deal going back in... we fiddled around, talked, took beer breaks, then piss breaks. if we worked diligently, 3-4 hours on removal then again on install...
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  10. #10
    Veteran Member Four Rings absolutegtr's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    My clutch install went super fine with jackstands.

    How high did you have it in the air?

  11. #11
    Established Member Two Rings setay's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    i had the tires maybe a foot off the ground, it was almost as high as my dads chevy truck. my install went fine too, the problems i had had nothing to do with the stands. i just said i would rather do something where i dont need to be on the floor thats all.

  12. #12
    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiA4_20T's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    Quote Originally Posted by setay View Post
    i had the tires maybe a foot off the ground, it was almost as high as my dads chevy truck. my install went fine too, the problems i had had nothing to do with the stands. i just said i would rather do something where i dont need to be on the floor thats all.
    I know what your saying... Id say the annoying parts are really the driveshaft and bellhousing bolts, other than that its not so bad, still tedious though
    - Clint

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  13. #13
    Veteran Member Four Rings Papachristou's Avatar
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    Re: Clutch install over the weekend.. sry, no pics

    ah for me the driveshaft bolts came off pretty quick, i had my buddy rotating the tire as we went. the rear driveshaft bolts were tough though, i had a rachet with a allen head socket on it and it wasnt seated 100% straight on because the rachet head was too big. i also stripped one. i used a 3/8 breaker bar to let the allen socket sit perfectly in and they came right off. the bell housing bolts were tedious but not bad... getting the tranny out was a slight pain the but the worst was getting it back in, but once it was in, we used the bolts to pull it the rest of the way, it was gravy after that...
    2018 Audi S6 Prestige Sport Sepang Blue/Lunar Silver
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