I've started to have this clicking sound come from under the car when I drive(no its not just when I'm turning right or left and no it doesn't get worse). It sounds like its directly below me. Usually it will go away once I've reached 15-20 mph. Other times it doesn't happen at all. I got under the car tonight and had the wife spin the wheel as fast as she could. The sound appears to be coming from the transmission area directly behind the axles. I had originally thought it was the drive shaft hitting the exhaust heat shield, but I almost took that off and it didn't make any difference.
On a second note, how far should I be able to spin one tire before the opposite side starts to spin? I can spin one wheel maybe 30 degrees before the other will start to spin. and if I go back and forth quickly the transmission will cluck.
I don't have time to get it into the shop for a couple of weeks so hopefully this isn't that bad.