GIAC chip that I had in my 2000 A4 5speed. Spiked at around 17 or 18psi and held at around 15 or 16psi. Ran great when I removed it about a year ago. I sold the car to buy an S4 and its been sitting in my closet ever since. Not sure what other years it will work in. Ill have some more info and pics up after dinner(around 9ish). I need this gone, any
offers considered.
I got it off a guy from who only had it installed for a few months. I think I paid $475 for it when bought it from him. The part or file that is written on it is 018PKZ6.V08(not sure if the first numbers are exactly right because the letters are written very small). It was originally purchased from AWE tunning which is written on it. My other half took the digital camera to to a wedding shower. When she gets back a little later I will post some pics. Pm me offers!