after reading all of the wonderful info on this site, i decided it wasn't worth it to get the k04 and jumped to the gtrs instead. i pieced together everything for the kit in around a month.i got the turbo from spp and everything else from the classifieds. i know, i know, i'll probally end up wanting even more hp and will sell it to go bat lol. but for now this is great. car pulls way harder up top it doesn't have the torque down low like the k03 did so i'll have to learn to drive my car all over again. if your on the fence about a k04 or gtrs, you should go with the gtrs. from what i've read you'll just end up getting it anyways. i took the car to canyon racer motorsports for the install and have to say that the customer service was excellent. props to quattro(randy) for the info.