It could be tomorrow, or - like me - it could take FOREVER. Mine has been whining passenger side for a while, and I really want them to die. But my wife keeps saying "well, just wait for them to go and then we'll deal with it". Friggin' things can take a beating when they want to.
I suspect that's part of the karma of these cars - they KNOW what we want to do, and so they do the opposite for a while. Can't afford turbos? Pop. Ready to swap for K04's? Keeps on spoolin' up.
As ThirdStrike states, you don't have to spend 6 grand.
I'm just going to replace with K04's when they go, and not do full Stage 3. The problem is that there is SO much that it makes sense to do once the engine is out, I will likely end up spending another grand just replacing mounts and FPR and stuff.