I had posted this watch a while back and had sold it on ebay which eventually fell through (US only auction won by someone in Europe). At which point I decided to keep the watch. Now however I'm getting the itch to mod my car. That said the watch is again on the chopping block. Its a stainless steel men's link chronograph with a blue face/dial. The watch is in great shape and will be sold with a completed service and new battery (~$90). Originally purchased from bailey banks and biddle for $1,800.
Similar watches sell on ebay for $700-800. I'm looking for a
reasonable offer in that neighborhood and
will accept trades or combinations of both. I have a mostly stock B7 A4 non-sline so trades must work on that vehicle. PM me with questions. Thanks.
(pics don't do it justice - watch is silver in color as its stainless steel)