I agree that you should do the belt first, but only because your car is around 70k and not b/c of the mods. You really could wait, but since its apart anyway, just do it now.
I fail to see any correlation between a more powerful engine and decreased timing belt or component life, there just isnt any reason to think that it will "wear out" more quickly b/c you got flashed. The belt is replaced along with rollers/pulleys because with MILEAGE (and thus engine rotations, not power), bearings wear out and it is of course better to change before they get to the point of failure or near failure due to the interference design. The only reason I could think of to change it prematurely is if you track your car often and it is constantly in the higher revs... b/c higher revs at equal milage equates to more wear on the tb components. I can just see people on the forum changing their belts every 50k or less b/c they have a BAT, and they have no idea that this is ridiculous.
FWIW I changed my belt two weeks ago at 84k. I had been putting it off since 78k when I bought the car, but decided that it was a good idea to change it before a track day when the car was going to be living at 4k+ rpm for extended periods. Im comfortable with 80k changes, and as long as you pay attention to your engine noise you should be able to hear any impending failure before it happens (or smell it, if its a water pump problem) unless you suffer from the rare case of an actual broken belt, and not a bearing or seal failure that can result in the belt skipping enough teeth to interfere. The parts from my car were in very decent shape for 84k, very little rolling resistance, and the water pump felt like new!