hey guys,
thought Id share my hardwire setup with you.
no running things down to the fusebox or other complicated mods
1. remove the center console (detailed elsewhere). use torx screwdriver
2. the sunroof motor is visible (big silver colored box)
3. detach the blue colored relay located on the right side of the sunroof motor
4. there are 5 wires. two of them are larger than the others. there is a large red wire and a large brown wire.
5. you may have to remove some of the cloth tape, i used a razor blade.
5. tap your (+) wire from the radar to the red. i used a T-tap
6. tap your (-) wire from the radar to the brown. T-tap again
7. alternately, strip a little of the (-) radar wire and ground it to one of the empty hole located on the inside roof. i stole one of the screws holding up the console for this.
8. replace the relay. test. then tuck everything up inside and close.
9. thats it.
total time <10 minutes.
hope this helps
ill try to get some pics up