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The Poker Run is held to reward enthusiasts and to have fun and actually drive their cars with the previous 2 years having close to 40 cars at each event. The route takes the participants on about a 50 mile drive on the twisties of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Along the way, there are scheduled stops for photo ops and rest stops.
This year there will be a $10.00 entry fee with 100% of the gross proceeds will be donated to the Max Fund Foundation.
several things for the record.
1) Autobahn Premiere Service,, Detailers Paradise, and the Onion
2) I can assure you all traffic laws will be upheld and obeyed.
3) All cars welcome.
4) Jefferson County Sheriff Department has already been notified of our route. remember, this run is a fun and exciting but calm and enjoyable drive in the foothills. Racing and squealing tires should be saved for the track, not the mountains. If you cannot or will not keep this drive safe for everyone involved, the infracting vehicle's information will be reported to the proper authorities.