Here is a bunch of audi a4 parts off a 2000 a4.
-One good xenon headlight with bulbs- $70
-2 alright, need bulbs, headlights -$ 30 for both
-2 foglights and brackets - $20 for both
-apexi turbo timer, used for a few months, comes with everything and box - $40
-Faze Competion EL boost guage, white face, illuminates, with box, slighty used - $40
-2 aftermarket taillights, comes with chrome and black trim and bulbs. $30 for both
-Slightly bent cone air intake, with heatshield - $20
My phone number is 240-838-4147, please give me a call if interested in anything.
Here is a link to the craigslist ad with pics:
-Avi Serfaty