As far as the conversions go, the USP lower spoiler along with the S4 rear is the most user friendly way to improve the styling.
The S4 bumper is a 100% perfect fit on the A4 and looks great. The aluminum trim piece near the bumper has the clips that hold it in place in different locations on the A4 and S4, but the size and shape are identical. It is very easy to adapt the A4 rear trim to work on the S4 bumper.
As far as the front bumper goes, the USP lower spoiler can be added to the standard A4 front bumper with some ingenuity, basically the upper bumpers are identical, but there is an inner skelton that is different between the two. Because of this, you need to modify the inner skeleton of the A4 upper bumper. Many members have done this (at least 50 that I know of) and all of their cars turn out terrific if you ask me.
It does take some time, skill and patience. If you do not possess these qualities, expect to pay somebody to do this for you.
Retail prices from the dealer on the parts are as follows:
OEM Audi S4 Rear Bumper without parking assist. 8E0 807 301 S GRU $735.66
OEM Audi USP Lower Spoiler 8E0 807 110 B GRU $258.67
OEM Audi USP Lower Center Grill 8E0 807 647 D 01C $210.16
OEM Audi USP Foglight Grills 8E0 807 681 & 682 C 01C $47.87 each
You can find them much cheaper on the internet, just make sure you do not get screwed on shipping, the boxes are very big.