Hi Guys,
Lately when I get in to the car and start the engine I start to hear the alarm horn go off for like 2 - 3 seconds. Any Ideas whats going wrong.
I also have noticed the following....
When I lock the car and I am inside (Don't ask) I practically have to jump around for the alarm to go off.. I wait the 30 sec for the alarm to arm also... :). I have used VAG and made sure the sensitvity is at 100(ultrasound)....
The second thing I have noticed is the doors when locked with the remote normally are not able to be openned from the inside this function has also gone...
I think perhaps I may have changed a code wrong with VAG - COM althou all I have been doing is the usual Windows up with remote mode and one or two others in that category ( confort settings 64 i think)
When i do a full diag of the car with Vag-com it tells me some times that the driver door failed to disarm / arm sometimes...
And finally, the last problem is the rear drivers side door lock sensor is broken i think (see my previous post)
I hope some one can help.... Many thanks
Audi A4 1.9tdi 2002 B6