This morning my wife asked me why my car windows were open, I say huh? I look, and they're all lowered. I went out to the car, tried the door, it was locked. Checked the trunk, it was unlatched. I grabbed my keys and closed everything up using the remote. I ask my wife, were you playing with the keyfob remote? I know the windows were closed just few minutes earlier.
So, I figure either my wife is keeping a straight face while claiming not to have been playing with the remote, or my car exhibited some strange malfunction. Any ideas?
It's an '02 A4 1.8T Quattro, and I did the VAG mod to allow opening/closing the windows via the keyfob remote. I didn't have my keys with me or in my pocket, so that rules out accidental triggering by me.
So, was it the wife, or a gremlin?