read this...and hope its not you

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So after months of intermittent CEL’s, losses in power as well as trips to the dealership, it turns out that my B7 has been suffering from the ailment of bad Camshaft bearing wear. It’s being addressed as we speak… under warrantee.
I know that there have been numerous posts in this forum as well as others that identify this issue as one of the common problems to afflict the 2.0T FSI engine found in our generation of car. However, I also see a post every now and then describing the symptoms that I was experiencing but never a post about Camshaft bearing wear as the culprit.
I can’t speak to anyone else’s experience but perhaps there are more than a few of you that have similar issues to what I am going to describe. I just thought I would share…
a) A sudden loss or cut in power especially in higher gears and relatively low RPM’s (4th, 5th, 6th gear 2800-3800 Rpm attempting to accelerate to higher Rpm’s)
b) The ECU would then go into 5-15 seconds of limp mode where throttle modulation does not translate into any acceleration
c) The ECU would then come out of limp mode and everything is normal
d) a b and c do not always translate into a CEL but eventually it will (almost aways a code about fuel supply or fuel pressure)
e) CEL will go away in a day or two
The technician at the dealership will likely troubleshoot the issue by addressing the symptom of the problem rather then the root-cause. This, for me, translated into replacing fuel pressure sensors and such. Eventually I realized that the problem still persists and that altering my driving style did nothing to prevent the symptoms from reoccurring.
I’m hoping this time the dealership has the cure…
Take it to the dealer. If they run a diagnostic and tell you that it is a bad fuel pressure sensor, insist that they check for cam lobe wear. Dont take no for an answer.