Well I havent posted in a while because of work and work and work and work... But I have been keeping up with you guys... 2.8 Tranny Swaps and New Avants... CO AVANT now up and running ... Ohhh and Jet Jocket and some more CAR PORN.. ECU in the Center Console !!!! Classic Audizine!!! Mostly Reading in airports while Im waiting for delayed Delta Flights...
So I get back and Im like man I need do something with this car today... Plus it has been running PIG RICH ( 13.2MPG and like 11.3 idle )... So I decided to give my boy Luigi a call... He does custom tunes and all types of crazy stuff to VW's and Audi's... He is a tuning GOD!!! So I call him up he says " drop that pretty thing over here and leave $650.00 with me...
So I drop it off and he says Dude your car is running like shit.. But I got all the upgrades ( Custom Intercooler, Custom Exhaust, Ported K03, Ported Manifold and Custom DP ) <---- Notice Clutch isnt on the list pay attention....
So Im at work and I call him he says " WOOOOO THIS SHIT IS RUNNING LIKE WILD FIRE!!!" So I go and pick it up and WTF the car is a ROCKET!!! ... Some kid is there with a B5 with a KO4 and every bolt on possible...( Not Luigi Tuned ) but he is there saying how fast his car is ... So as Im leaving this kid decides to run with me... Uhmm lets say I smoked him like he was in a Hyundai Elantra.. He was like man that shit is fast...
So As Im driving 10 minutes later and I press the gas to get onto the Highway the song we all hate to hear " FREE SPIN CITY COMES ON " ... THE CLUTCH STARTS SLIPPING!!! LOL
Here is the latest PIC....