So I recently bought a brand new set of Ultimate Pedals from an AW member who sold his B6 S4. The set is about $220 + shipping when purchased from the website. The seller sold them to me for the extremely discounted price of $45 shipped. Very generous discount. Despite the great savings, I am disappointed with the final result. I would have been outright pissed if I paid full price.
First off, this set had the black rubber anti-slip domes inserts(see pic below.) Shockingly, this option adds $40 to the retail price. As you can see there are quite a few of them and Ultimate DOES NOT install them. That's up to the buyer. It's a tedious 1/2 hour of punching the little bastards into each hole. The real ballbuster, though, is that after two weeks of driving, the damn things are starting to pop out. Once they pop out, good luck getting them to seal back into the hole while the pedal is screwed on. Very annoying.
The install is a legit PITA. The B6 S4 pedals are just not designed for this particular mod. There's minimal surface space to drill the holes and tighten the screws down. Especially on the back side of the pedals.
As for the looks? I don't really care for them. They dont really go with the OEM Audi style. The driver footrest is especially bothersome because it is just a big, flat aluminum rectangle. It does not in any way match up with the OEM footrest. From the driver's seat you don't notice it but a closer inspection reveals how poor it looks.
To summarize: for $45 I am not too upset. Had I paid the full price, that would be a different story. Definitely not worth the money. Eventually I will swap out the Ultimate set for the RS4 set and be done with it.